Dislike and Like

Here are some things that I like and dislike about Wolf Team. I like the setup that softnyx used to make this game. I also like the fact that you can level up in rank and the different kinds of battle that you can play in. There is a Bomb Plant mode were one team tries to plant a bomb and the other team tries to stop you from planing it or tries to disarm the bomb after you have planted it. There is also Team Deathmatch, were two team kill each other until they get to a desired limit, this is one of my favorite. There is also Wolf Team Deathmatch were you can play as wolves and do the same as death match, in this mode you are only wolves. There is also Wolf Battle were you have one team of humans and another team of wolves that try and capture bases. Another is Base capture were you are all humans with the ability to transform into a wolf and capture bases. These are most of the modes but i really think that you should get it and play it for yourself. Some things that I dislike about Wolf Team is that when you buy weapons you only get to keep them to keep the weapon for a certain amount of time, Ex: I bought a sniper for 2700 and I only got to keep it for a day. You can pay more money to keep it for longer, which is a better deal but that means that you would have to play for longer to get the money back. In the long run it is ok but I liked the beta when everything was fully upgraded and you had it for forever. Owell it is still and awesome game!

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